About the Commission

After nearly two decades of inactivity, on October 27, 2014 the Sunset Subcommittee of the Interim Legislative Commission recommended to Governor Brian Sandoval that he reactivate the Commission for Women, appoint new members and charge them with a mission relevant to today's society and economy. The Governor supported the recommendation and the Legislature approved the reactivation of the Commission for Women by passing NRS 233I. The Commission for Women is comprised of 10 members reflecting the diversity of the State, as well as balanced political party representation. The Commission is charged with the duty to study the changing and developing roles of women in society, including the recognition of socioeconomic factors that influence the status of women, and recommend proposed legislation. Staff support is provided to the Commission by the Department of Administration.

Commission Mission & Goals


Nevada Commission for Women's mission is to advance women toward full equality in all areas.

Commission for Women Goals:

  • Document the role of women and women’s contributions in Nevada
  • Promote gender equality
  • Increase the number of women in leadership positions in our state
  • Empower women to achieve their personal and professional goals

Social Media

Stay up to date with the Commissions activities by following us on our social media platforms:

  1. Facebook: @NVCommissionforWomen 
  2. Instagram: @nvcommissionforwomen 
  3. Twitter: @NVCommforWomen

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Elevate Her NV ~Bolstering Female Leadership~

About Elevate Her

The Nevada Commission for Women launched Elevate Her as a bipartisan campaign, to encourage qualified and engaged women to apply for state boards and commissions. Their mission is to bring even more gender parity to boards and commissions, state positions and ultimately corporate boards in the state. The Commission wants to ensure we embrace the full talents of all the people who live in Nevada.

Why is this program needed?

In 2018, only 11 percent of Nevada’s corporate boards’ members were women. At the state level, the stats are better: a recent survey showed that Nevada’s public boards and commission members are roughly 60 percent male and 40 percent female. Volunteers who serve on public and nonprofit boards get the benefits of learning management skills, developing a stronger network in their industries, raising their profile in the community and ultimately building their leadership abilities. Organizations with diverse boards benefit as well when they hear from and involve all of the people they serve.

The Goals for Elevate Her are to:

  • Ensure women are more adequately represented at the state and local levels on volunteer boards and commissions
  • See at least 100 additional women appointed to Nevada boards and commissions
  • Strive toward the membership of Nevada’s boards and commissions reflecting the demographics of the state’s population

The Commissioners Core Values:

  • 1. Equity in Equality
    • We are committed to reinforcing the value of women in various leadership roles. We maintain our focus on enhancing gender diversity at the management level to enhance an organization's performance. We ensure that our state will receive benefits from having an adequate representation of women informing critical decisions to our lawmakers. We keep women involved today, to improve better outcomes toward diversity.
  • 2. Commitment
    • We maintain our obligation. We take each duty we are assigned seriously and we encourage others to apply to boards and commissions if they are committed, capable and willing to serve. We dedicate our time toward being knowledgeable in Statewide resources to help potential candidates understand the capacity they must possess to serve and commit in order to fill a board or commission seat.
  • 3. Don't Fence Me In
    • We will stay true to being Nevada Women. We will remember our history and keep our pioneering spirits alive using all our talents and resources to keep the State’s best interests in mind. We will not be fenced in by old beliefs and we will make sure our voices are heard on the topics that effect our Nevada Women.

Results from "What do women need to successfully join the workforce and take care of their families?" Outreach