The Department of Administration provides services to state agencies, employees, residents, vendors and contractors. Please see the service directory below for details.
Services provided by the Department of Administration to the general public include recruitment for state jobs, access to State Library, Archives and Public Records information, and public information assistance. Additionally, the Hearings & Appeals Division provides dispute resolution hearings for Workers' Compensation and Victims of Crime cases and conducts appeals of hearing officer decisions, as well as direct appeals for Purchasing bid disputes, Medicaid appeals, Industrial Insurance Regulation appeals, Financial Institution hearings, Purchasing bid award appeals, Department of Education teacher certification appeals, and other administrative law matters.
Services for Nevada state agencies include: Executive Budget preparation and budgetary assistance; compliance assurance and internal control development; cost-allocation administration; human resource administration and consultation; transportation and fleet management; insurance coverage, loss prevention and workers compensation administration; archives and records management; state mail services; state capital improvements; state facilities management and maintenance; purchasing, renting or leasing of supplies, materials and/or equipment; procurement of complex services; reallocation and disposal of excess state/federal property; and inventory management of state’s fixed assets.
Employee services include: State mail services; statewide human resource management; records and payroll processing; online and classroom training; state job recruitment; sexual harassment/discrimination/Equal Employment Opportunity investigation; mediation; motor pool vehicle rentals; motor pool vehicle maintenance; safety training; workers compensation administration; and employee discounts.
Services provided by the Department of Administration to vendors and contractors include: vendor registration for Purchasing Division bids; listings of goods and services open bids, solicitations of leased space, and RFP/RFQ/RFI opportunities; qualification of public works bidders; listings of public works invitations to bid; informal and formal selection of architects and engineers for public works projects; Board of Examiners review of contracts and leases; and invoice processing for the Department of Administration.